Thursday, September 1, 2016

Bliss Lies In The Basics

No one believes me. My mother certainly doesn't.

This is where the salt comes from in #moresaltandlard.

One thing I've learned from my proximity to the big boy (and girl) kitchens is the important of seasoning. I nearly threw the latest issue of Bon Appetit in the air the other day when they featured the importance of salt (A FULL FOUR PAGES).

Salt is so important. It not only acts as a flavoring component, but extracts excess moisture when cooking proteins and vegetables (preventing sogginess) as well as acting as a preservative. It's necessary for our essential human functions after all.

There are so many different salts beside standard kosher or even sea salt. My staples include smoked salt, truffle salt, my new favorite chianti herb salt, guava salt, red rock salt, and ALWAYS, fleur de sel. These all serve different purposes. I season with fleur de sel, finish with truffle salt and smoked salt, and use the chianti herb salt for my pasta water. It sounds like a lot, but I treat them all as seperate components. It's not all just "salt." They all serve a seperate purpose and have a different flavor profile.

Don't get me wrong, I've made some salty food. You have to learn how to balance flavors and achieve your perfect "pinch." But using generous amounts of salt (on general home cooking standards) has made me so much of a better cook at home. Do it. Don't be afraid of it.

Some of my tips for using different salts:

(1) Red rock salt goes with everything.

(2) Fleur de Sel is strong. Super salty. Use in moderation.

(3) Guava salt for seasoning vegetables. Very mild, you can lean on the generous side. Too mild for proteins but a nice addition to already salty fish.

(4) Smoked salt & truffle salt for proteins.

(5) REMEMBER: All your steak needs is a generous seasoning of salt and pepper before grilling.

Most importantly, stay salty my friends (in life, hobbies and in the kitchen!)


Comeback Kid

Alright boys and girls. I'm back and it's time for a bit of a reboot...

In all classic sitcom style, here's what you've missed in the nearly 2 years I've been M.I.A.

(a) I moved to New York with the intention of moving back to San Francisco.

(b) I stayed in New York.

(c) I got a job at Marc Forgione as the Head Sommelier (WHAT?!) It was awesome.

(d) Got an instagram account.

 (e) I went to France and almost didn't get on the plane back.

(f) Learned how to use my instagram account....

(g) Learned how to cook (like, REALLY cook) at home.

(h) I learned how to garden.

(i) Became a complete instagram addict (...I failed to resist....)

(j) I started my newest position as a sommelier at Jean-Georges Restaurant.

So I'll keep this one short. I plan on re-vamping this site over the next couple of weeks, particularly over the course of my three week homage back to France.

I finally learned how to use instagram, and I'm a complete addict. It's a little embarassing actually, but at least I'm completely aware of my own lack of self control when it comes to filters, hashtags, and over posting things that my friends really don't care that much about. I do it anyways, f**! it.

If I do take one thing away from the last 2 years in New York City is the incredible people I've met and the truly unwavering support system I have developed along the way. They are my foundation, I have the coolest friends in the world-all over the world. Thanks guys.

Anyhow, here's some pretty pictures to catch you up (not really).

I'm back, like Britney Spears' comeback. Now I'll get in the kitchen and make those sandwiches...just kidding let me get back to finishing my bottle of Bordeaux.