Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A quick revisit....

So at the very beginning of this blog I wrote an entry on my sweet and sour salmon, adopted from Jamie Oliver's recipe. This was great, but I always failed to achieve the color contrast in the fish between the crust and the center as I was afraid of overcooking it. See http://moresaltandlard.blogspot.com/2014/02/sweet-and-spicy-salmon.html

 I finally perfected it last night on the grill, when I finally decided to grill the fish on an open grill (over tin foil to prevent crumbling) rather than my normal steam packet (which prevents the honey crust from browning and crisping). Firstly, this particular salmon was an especially fatty filet. I heated the grill first, but then made sure that the salmon cooked at temperatures between 350 F and 400 F, never actually reaching 400 F. Granted, this did require some extra attention and the cooking time was a little longer, but the salmon was perfectly cooked and I achieved that darker orange crust with the soft, silky pink center!

Wasn't too concerned about the plating/presentation for this one, but was thrilled with the color contrast on the fish. Will never chicken out and use the steam packet on the grill again!

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