Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lessons learned from overkill: Veal, bacon, and the works!

So I was craving veal the other night, and when I ran into a wine distributor who was an avid veal cook, it was fate. Too bad veal wasn't the only thing I was craving.....oops. I also am totally guilty of Whole Foods carnage.

So I wanted to make a mushroom risotto with veal. Rather than using veal stew meat, I decided to cook a chop and serve it over the top. Unfortunately this resulted in me adding bacon to my risotto....well because everything is better with bacon, right?! Don't get me wrong, what follows is delicious...but a total overkill on richness and flavor. WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE was make a simple white wine and mushroom risotto with onion chicken stock and my big slab of veal on top.

Instead, I cooked the risotto in white wine, bacon fat, and chicken stock, adding spring onion, garlic, and lardons. I then placed a big honkin piece of veal that I pan roasted on top (rubbed in salt and pepper).

The veal was PERFECT at medium well, and I certainly finished the whole plate. But as far as overall quality of flavor...I should have scaled it back a bit. Until the second attempt...

Got off work early this Saturday so enjoying a dinner of mussels and escargot with a Bordeaux sauvignon blanc! Need to try this at home...

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