Thursday, March 6, 2014

When Others Cook: Restaurant Review NYC

So for the final day of celebration my family and I headed out for a restaurant hop of West Village/Greenwich. As I couldn't get into my favorite, L'Artusi, for the main event, I did a little research and decided that Alta was a great second choice. We were only able to get a reservation at 5:30 for three people, so we got quite an early start.


For a quick cocktail before the big meal, we stopped at one of my absolute favorite spots in all of NYC. Such delicious, suuuper fresh tasting hors d'ouevres and an excellent wine selection. We had a glass of sparkling rose from South Africa which was pretty delicious but a little tart (strong on the strawberry, raspberry flavor).

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We couldn't not have the signature berrata as welll, so we grabbed a quick one with some white asparagus and a fried egg with proscuitto san daniele.

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Everything, as usual, was super light and great for sharing. It was the perfect bite to wet the whistle before the feast that was next.

Service was outstanding, and they were great about getting us in and out quickly! The staff have these super cool uniforms, and the two sided bar is really unique.

The neighbourhood is just adorable too. The scaffolding outside is plastered with fairy lights which sets an outstanding mood, even at 4 in the afternoon!

2. ALTA, 64 W 10TH ST.

This place is so great. I am OVER THE MOON about it. You definitely have to be up for sharing though. The menu entirely is comprised of small plates, like tapas, and all is reasonably priced. The lamb meat balls, bacon infused roe, wild mushrooms, and octopus were just a few of our faves. You can order the whOle menu for $490 and I would totally do it. The wine list was FANTASTIC and again, reasonable. The Volnay Les Mitans 2010 was unbelievable but certainly a wine for a special occasion.

We had the butterscotch foam for dessert which came with a gold candle for the birthday occasion.  I loved every light and delicious moment of it!

The ambiance is so cool-you would never know this place was there if you weren't looking.  The entrance is tucked away in the basement entrance and the rustic decor with raging fire was so comfortable. Service was also excellent...and I am a harsh critic. 

Five huge stars!!! (Unfortunately due to the extreme dim light of the restaurant pictures were not top notch....)


As always, this place was great. They put together a cheese plate with a wine tasting for all three of us. We sat at a table, but I will admit I MUCH prefer sitting at the bar. The service is generally better at the bar because they have everything right in fron of them.

The cheeses are different every time I go and never cease to impress. I can't wait until the next time!

SIDE NOTE: We did stay in "The Lexington",  one of those Marriot Boutique Hotels, right down the block from Grand Central Station. Although the room was small, I was really impressed at the price of the room for the locatioin and quite nice decor. The beds were super comfy and I thought service was nice. Plus the little mini bath sets were super fancy!

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