Thursday, March 13, 2014


So unfortunately the whole gourmet-kitchen-four-times-a-week thing has taken a brief hiatus while I am trying to apply for new jobs. It's time to challenge the brain a little....

As I was finishing up a few applications yesterday, I did indulge in some serious snacks of the fromage and charcuterie variety.

Arrowine is pretty much the shop of the Gods (located in Arlington), where small wineries and delicious cheese meet in a stinky aroma that would melt my heart and have me asking for more anyday! I stopped in there yesterday to pick up dinner in the form of massive amounts of snack food. Picked up a goat milk blue cheese (forget anything you thought you knew about a strong, stinky blue!), a pecorino aged in clay pots with walnut leaves, and a Brique du Nord (my go-to favorite, super nutty and crunchy).

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I put it on my new cheese-board toy, which spins on its base! Love the chalk pens to label all the cheeses!

In addition to my cheese board I made a fresh buffalo mozzarella rosette with proscuitto pronto, salt, pepper, and a drizzle of balsalmic.

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Finally, I made a board of proscuitto and calabrese salame (talk about calabrese!) to satisfy my inner carnivore. I ate everything with a bottle of Les Maranges 1er Cru Burgundy. It was SUPER tasty and light, Burgundy makes 100 percent Pinot Noir (but we'll do a full post about burgundy wines some other time).

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Until next time!

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