Saturday, March 8, 2014

Not-So-Vegetarian Vegetable Soup

Made my stock, as promised, with all of my lamb bits from Whole Foods. I cooked them in water with a large bunch of rosemary and thyme, with a whole white onion (sliced in two), and two bay leaves for two and a half hours.

I then caramelized shallots, carrots, chopped asparagus, a leek, mushrooms and garlic in generous amounts of butter. Right before they finished cooking, I threw in a large bunch of chopped spinach in the pan to wilt, and then poured the whole mix into the (drained) stock. I let that simmer (after seasoning with salt and pepper) for about 30 minutes and voila!

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The soup was so comforting, and rich without being heavy. I'm not going to lie, it was a total fridge dive-but a successful one! I made a TON of it, so I took the leftovers and poured them into a large ziploc freezer bag. Soups are great for freezing, and you can just take out and reheat in a pot over the stove!

Now I just need to buy myself a blender so I can make more soup!

Until next time!

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