Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Countdown

T-Minus Three Days!!!

So usually I'm a little crazier (and I mean mental) about the whole Christmas fever. Not so much in the present buying shopping mall mob way...more in the Christmas kitch overload, ugly jumper, mulled wine, bad music played constantly kind of a way. To my family's great pleasure, I seem to have skipped that bit of bonkers this year.

To no one's surprise, I did ramp up the whole mealtime agenda.... 
And the 48 Hour Menu was born.

The shopping in preparation for my two day long family bonanza has been hectic to say the least, but that's what I get! My last trip is to Manhattan tomorrow to collect an entire salmon (yes...I'm only feeding four people), lobsters (yes...plural) and possibly a few glasses of wine to warm my belly ;)

I just returned from a great weekend on the North Fork of Long Island. The "four pack" stayed in Greenport, NY for a few nights and drank our weight in wine. We might have bought about ten times our weight.........78 bottles later (whoops). Self control is not in my family gene pool. I was thoroughly impressed by what I ran into there, and can't wait to have a little more time to write more about it. We visited Martha Clara, Shinn, Lieb, Lenz, Bedell and Sparkling Pointe Vineyards. The biggest surprise were some of the delicious reds!!!

For those of you who don't have far too much time on your hands, I found a great slideshow with some delectable, eye-pleasing and easy holiday meal ideas on Food and Wine's website. Check it out HERE.

Until next time, I hope everyone enjoyed their Hanukkah!!!

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