Friday, December 12, 2014

For the Netflix Binger...

Just a few recommendations to put on the queues of those foodies who also indulge in unhealthy amounts of streaming cinema....

I have been trying to watch more documentaries on wine and food as I get closer to starting school as another way to prepare for my academic course load. I have found a few that I really like, that provide a lot of basic information but also some great details in an entertaining and thoughtful way. Titles are as follows:

(a documentary about dudes studying for their Master Sommelier Exam)

(Narrated by swoonworthy Russel Crowe on the Asian influence on Bordeaux futures markets)

(a quaint look at Burgundian wine making over the course of the growing seasons)

All of these titles are on Netflix...aka Crackflix...and are really great for someone who knows about wine or who is just interested in getting into it. Somm and Red Obsession are a little more approachable, minimal subtitles, where A Year in Burgundy you better put your glasses on for. The title on my "to watch" list is Mondovino (The World of Wine), but alas, it isn't streaming. I might actually have to rent a prehistoric....

Until then, curl up with a good flick and some sour patch kids!

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