Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Making it through the big day...

So one last post about Thanksgiving (the previous one was just too long) and how my family made it through the day eating as little as possible to save room. Three words: Smoked salmon blinis.

I was up in the kitchen cooking from about 7 AM prepping for this beautiful beast of a meal, but the problem is how to avoid snacking too much while still being a healthy human and not starving yourself. Blinis!

A blini is like a mini pancake. A little starch, but not like eating a baguette, topped with a little creme fraiche and a small bit of smoked salmon. Great snack, five or six tide you over, and you can make it through to the 3 o'clock antipasti and cocktail hour.

Of course what is smoked salmon without white wine?! So I paired it with a taster of Tete du Rhone Viognier (which I later used in the dessert course). It was a perfect taste without having a full glass (or two) so you're not lushing too early, and I was able to control myself due to the fact that I did NEED it for the dessert. Success!

Anyhow, this is my absolute favorite "tide over" on Christmas and Thanksgiving when I do meals of this magnitude. Just a quick thought from the kitchen!

Until next time, it's 5 o'clock somewhere!!!!

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