Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Christmas Dinner Part Two

So it probably seems a bit random that I'm posting my Christmas dinner menu, now, but the skies decided to open up and snow on me (no notice) today, so I thought it would be mildly appropriate being so Christmas-y outside. My California native brother would beg to differ, but I'm ammune to his persistent screenshots comparing his 70 degree (F) weather to my 10 degree torture.

So back to food. For the soup course I made a simple butternut squash soup (roasting an entire butternut squash until VERY soft before chopping up and cooking over the stove). I topped it off with a cayenne pecan cream (mincing the pecans in a food processer, spicing heavily with cayenne pepper, and folding into fresh whipped cream).

I served the soup in my mother's collection of china teacups. It's such an easy presentation and keeps the portion size down. It's all about making it through all of the courses! They fit just about a cup of soup.

The one thing I was missing was a blender. I do have a puree wand/machine thing (what do you even call them?!) but it really doesn't do the trick when it comes to getting the right consistency with soup. You really need to blend the hell out of it, and I just didn't have the tool to do so. As a result, the consistency wasn't as velvety as I would have liked but it still tasted great! I served the soup with a small glass of unoaked chardonnay.

For the salad course, I have to admit I copied the chef from my second job's recipe for a goat cheese salad. It's too easy and delicious to not copy. I piled a big heap of goats cheese in the middle of the salad plate, and covered it with arugula (or spinach, or a mix of both works). I then topped it off with diced boiled beets (mmmmm), chopped walnuts, and a sherry vinaigrette. It's so delicious and looks so beautiful on a plate. Not very filling, so perfect when doing multiple courses. I served the salad with a glass of Tattinger Brut Champagne de Reims.

I don't know why I switched these but I actually served the salad BEFORE the soup course. Just as a side note. The wine pairing also went better that way. Always better to start with sparkling and move to chardonnary which is a little more round.

Stay tuned for part three from the snowglobe!

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