Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Crusted Scallops with Sweet Cooked Fruit

So I wanted to try the sweet scallops thing the other day. I love cooked apples and pears, so I decided to attempt a hot fruit salad to pair with the three jumbo scallops I got from the Whole Foods fish counter.

I started by lightly steaming the apples and pears to soften them, and then tossing them in sugar and balsalmic until fully cooked. I think I would prefer them a little crispier next time, but I didn't have the proper tools to slice them as thinly as I would of likes, so compensated with the length of cooking.

I removed the fruit from the pan and then turned the heat on the burner to its highest setting. I seared the scallops on each side MAYBE for a minute and a half, if not a little less than that, keeping a close eye on the whites of the edges to make sure they were not overcooking. The leftover juices from the candied fruit encrusted either side with this sweet crispy layer, in contrast with the rare center.

I plated the scallops in a big pile over a bed of the cooked fruit with light salt and pepper. They were sweet and delicious, without being like dessert. Was a great experiment :)

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