Friday, February 14, 2014

Poached Shrimp in White Wine Sauce

This was my first attempt earlier this week to get "back to basics"-focusing on singular ingredients rather than more intricate and complicated dishes. The star of this one was shrimp, over a simple risotto.

Risotto had to start first, as anyone who has made it before knows, it takes a bloody long time to do. I sauteed shallots and garlic in 4 tablespoons of butter, and then added 2 cups of risotto and 1 cup of white wine. Stirring constantly, cook over medium heat slowly alternating chicken stock and white wine until the rice is completely soft, or VERY al dente. Right before it is finished, I added two large spoonfuls of goats cheese and 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream to add a lovely creaminess.

For the shrimp, I sauteed a shallot and garlic in 4 tablespoons of butter. I laid the shrimp on top and let poach for 7-10 minutes on each side. When I flipped them, I added about 1 cup-1 1/2 cups white wine, and let it reduce. Right before finished, I threw in chopped watercress and chopped fresh parsely and let it just slightly wilt. Then I served the shrimp (with sauce) all over the risotto.

The shrimp was super simple but great in the rich, white wine sauce, which went great with the super creamy risotto. Any cream that would be desired in the sauce on the shrimp was met in the creamy risotto combo, plus the white wine sauce matched great with the white wine soaked risotto.

Certainly was time consuming but well worth the wait! I generally prefer to cook shrimp head on, as I feel they retain better flavor and are more fun to eat, but these certainly did just fine!

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