Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tomayto, Tomahto!!!

Fresh tomatoes are the hors d'eouvres of the Gods. They make such a great ingredient before a meal, whether on their own or as an ingredient. I've been craving salted fresh tomato slices all day, so I figured I'd just post it up so that the world knew!

With pictures of course....

Fresh tomato/basil bruschetta!

Berrata with salted sliced tomatoes and proscuitto :)

Caprese variations....

One of the coolest things I've ever eaten was tomatoes salted on a salt block (a la my grandfather). If you leave them on for just under five minutes, they absorb the salt from the block and taste so yummy! Caspian pinks are also just the most delicious ball of pink on the planet.

Tomato mania!

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